Vacuum machine therapy, also known as pneumatic compression therapy, is a technique used in sports medicine to help improve mobility and recovery for athletes and casual enthusiasts alike. Vacuum machine therapy involves using a special device that applies gentle pressure to different parts of the body, typically the legs or arms. This pressure helps to:
Increase Blood Flow: The pressure from the machine helps to push blood and fluids through the muscles and tissues. This increased circulation can reduce muscle soreness and speed up the healing process after intense exercise or injuries.
Reduce Swelling: It can help decrease swelling and inflammation in the muscles, which can be common after sports activities or injuries. This, in turn, can improve mobility and comfort.
Enhance Muscle Recovery: Vacuum machine therapy can aid in relaxing and loosening tight muscles. This can be particularly helpful for athletes to recover faster and maintain their flexibility and range of motion.
Alleviate Muscle Fatigue: By promoting better circulation and oxygen delivery to muscles, it can help reduce muscle fatigue, allowing you to perform at their best for longer periods.